Back pain is one of the most common complaints made by people seeking medical treatment for the management of pain. But while some causes of back pain are easily diagnosed, others are a little trickier. But there is relief waiting for everyone who suffers from back pain.
Myofascial Therapy, also commonly referred to as myofascial release therapy, is a specific type of safe, low-load stretch therapy that naturally releases tightness and pain not only in the back but throughout the body. Myofascial pain syndrome is described as chronic muscle pain that is worse in certain areas. These areas are called “trigger points.” Myofascial release therapy is the answer for this malady.
Myofascial therapy has been found to relieve soft tissue “restrictions” that can result in pain. Chronic myofascial pain – or low back pain – can be caused by trauma (read: a car accident or fall), posture misalignment, mechanical deficits, a compressed nerve from a herniated disc, or inflammatory conditions. These conditions are easily diagnosed.
When myofascial tightness within the fascial system is the cause of the pain, the diagnosis can be much harder.
The fascial system is the connective tissue throughout the body that surrounds every muscle, bone, nerve blood vessel, and organ, all the way to the cellular level. Pain in this system is more difficult to diagnose because fascia restrictions do not show up on MRI scans or X-rays.
Myofascial release therapy is focused on releasing muscular shortness and tightness throughout the body. These specific “releases,” applied to different parts of the body, consist of the gentle application of pressure or sustained low-load stretch to the area affected by pain. A patient’s progress is measured by the level of increased motion in the affected and associated areas and/or a decrease in pain.
If you are experiencing pain that has been deemed hard to diagnose, consider seeing a chiropractor or massage therapist to consult on whether myofascial release therapy is right for you.
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