A startling fact about diabetes is that one out of every two people has no idea they either have diabetes or are in a condition called pre-diabetes. When one considers the threat diabetes poses to our health, that is quite alarming.
In 2012, medical authorities concluded that over 90 million people had either diabetes or pre-diabetes. In recent years, studies in Great Britain and the United States have detected a rapid rise in the cases of diabetes in their populations. But there are things you can do to help decrease your chances of developing diabetes.
While many have come to believe that diabetes is a condition of having too much sugar in your bloodstream, that isn’t necessarily the case. Diabetes is actually a function of insulin resistance at your cell level. Further, the complex condition of diabetes has to do with the triangulating balance of insulin (regulates sugar at the cellular level) and the hormones leptin (signals the body to burn calories) and ghrelin (signals hunger). It is the proper balance of these three hormones that staves off diabetes.
But there are seven things we can do to help decrease our chances of developing diabetes, and they all have to do with living a healthy and all-natural lifestyle:
- Increase your fiber – we should consume both soluble and insoluble fiber in your daily diets. Great examples of both are berries, nuts, vegetables and chia seeds.
- Reduce your carbohydrates – a low- carbohydrate diet helps to reduce stress on your body and inflammation and reduces the amount insulin you need
- Eat high-quality fats – great examples of these types of fats include avocados, coconut oil, olives and olive oil, raw nuts, and palm oil.
- Get adequate exercise – exercise impacts your body’s resistance to leptin.
- Stay properly hydrated – when you are dehydrated your liver increases your blood sugar levels.
- Eliminate stress from your life – stress causes your body to secrete cortisol and glucagon, which affect blood sugar levels.
- Get a good nights sleep – poor sleeping habits reduce insulin sensitivity.
By following these seven easy-to-do tips – and living a healthy lifestyle – we all can help ourselves to avoid the development of diabetes.
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