With an increasing amount of information coming out about the dangers of opioid use, many Americans – and, in fact, people around the world – are looking for alternatives to this addictive class of medication. The good news is that there is a non-pharmaceutical solution for many.
The New Hampshire Chiropractic Association has cited three studies that have concluded chiropractic care helps to reduce the need for prescription pain medication, especially opioid pain medication. The study also determined that acupuncture and physical therapy can also aid in easing a patient’s pain in some circumstances.
Initial results from this research strongly suggest that opioid use in patients who need pain management can be reduced by over 55 percent if chiropractic therapy is included as part of their treatment plan.
There are three main reasons why these studies have determined chiropractic treatment aids in eliminating the need for opioid pain medications:
- Chiropractic therapy targets the cause of the pain – Opioids treat the symptoms and mask the pain.
- Chiropractic therapy is a safe long-term option for patients – Opioids are addictive and can lead to overdose and even death.
- Chiropractic therapy can be combined with establishing a healthy lifestyle regimen to eliminate the cause of pain and the need for pharmaceutical solutions.
Whenever we can eliminate pain in an all-natural way – in a way that does not include the use of pharmaceuticals, and especially addictive opioids – our bodies are better served.
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