We’ve heard it before and for a good reason. Eating a healthy, balanced breakfast is the best way to start your day. Some experts even say that skipping this important meal could be a big mistake.
Jennifer Markowitz MS, RD, a dietitian and nutritionist, explains that breakfast provides the fuel the body needs to get the day started. “Metabolic changes, hormones, and the body’s insulin is [more] regulated when people choose to eat breakfast,” she said in an interview with two other nutrition experts in Time.com.
Markowitz goes on to say that breakfast keeps us from becoming “hangry” – a mixture of hungry and irritation due to hunger. When we get hangry, we make poor food choices that affect us the rest of the day.
One advantage to eating breakfast, says Cynthia Sass, RD, a New York Times bestselling author and contributing editor for Health magazine, is being able to attend to the inclusion of the necessary food groups. “A big advantage that breakfast can have is the ability for you to fit in more food groups that you might normally have trouble fitting in,” Sass says.
And Kelly Allison, PhD, the director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Weight & Eating Disorders, suggests that a mix of three food groups be included in a healthy, balanced breakfast. “You’re better off to have a mixed nutrient meal, with a little bit of carbs, a little bit of fat, and sources of protein, too. Your body can take a mixed nutrient meal in and actually use it – nourish your body without spiking glucose,” she said.
All three of the experts suggest taking a moment to plan your breakfast the night before. Whether it is a simple single food you can eat on the go, or a pre-prepared meal, making healthy choices about what you put in your body to start the day will necessarily define how your day very well might go.
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